Well today wasn’t sooo bad. I got up late, and we hurried out the door to the library for the reading program. David was still sleeping, so it was just Marky and Amberlin. I dropped them off and came back home. (Papa was still in bed as well, so he was fine) They were up by the time I had to get the kids, so I left them eating cereal. I of course had to tell them all of the good news about the baby, so it took a while, but we made it back home. We than set about the normal day, blah feeling and tired, I tried for a nap, but that didn’t last near long enough. I decided to head into town and get some more propane for our grill for supper. I got to leave all the kids, so I took my time, and shopped a little. Got some vegis and pork chops, had to exchange a fan (it looked like a fork truck drove over it). Came home to a mostly sided house YAY. We have only 1 wall to go. We have to put a window in our kitchen and than we can finish the siding! And we have a little peak left on the old garage wall. But the rest is DONE!
I just remember, I was supposed to make 2 loaves of banana bread today, phooey. It’s to late now, I’ll have to get up early and do it. And I wanted to do it while the house was cool. Bummer.
So back to dinner, we grilled some pork chops and I bought the little mesh type thing for grilling vegis, to see how it worked. Well I had bought a stir fry mix and peeled and cubed some potatoes to put on it. It all tasted really good, they were a little over cooked. But you should try it. All I did was put them in a bowl and added a little olive oil and seasoning (seasoned salt and lemon pepper), mixed it up and put it on the grill. I stirred them everyone once in a while. They were yummy! Here’s a few pictures. A lot of times I do the vegis on the stove, boil them in water till cooked, than throw in butter or olive oil and brown them. Once they are done I add a little Soy Sauce, mix it in and YUM!
It made for an easy and good dinner. We like grilling, it saves our house from the heat (we don’t have A/C) and it saves our arteries from the grease.

Before dinner Mark showed the kids their new “toy” hehe, remember when you were a kid, or maybe it was your kids, the big yellow slip and slides? Oh were they fun. Well I remember having one, as does Mark. We bought one for the kids, well they aren’t near as sturdy as the big yellow ones, or as long either (maybe it was because I was only 6, I don’t know). But here’s the kids playing on it. They call this the “super slide” when Papa picks them up and slides them down the slide. They had a blast. David got in on the fun too. He would go down a couple times, than come over to me to wrap up in the towel for a few minutes, than run back out there.

So for a pregnancy tip:
I generally don’t like green olives, but when I’m pregnant, they work wonders (which just reminded me that I forgot to buy some, I tell ya, even when I don’t have the kids I only remember half of it. I forgot coffee too). You get this nice sick coating on your tongue, well at least I always did. The only thing that takes it away is olives. The bitter taste neutralizes it I guess. It works when your just sick too, but I notice it most when I’m pregnant.
Well my Life Savers flavored Ice Cream is calling me, so that’s all for now.
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