It's been a little while since I last posted. Sorry about that. Life has been busy. We got our Blazer back last Wednesday, it looks great. Divine Auto Body in Portland did an awsome job! We also found a new car, so for the moment we have 2 vehicles. We got a Trailblazer, and we LOVE IT! It has a 3rd row of seats, so it seats 7. I'll add a few pictures from the Annie Rae website from before we bought it. It is in the shop right now. The oil pressure gage wasn't working correctly, and the driver headlight was cutting in and out. So it is getting fixed under their used car warrenty. No cost to us (PHEW!). So we recomment Annie Rae Chevrolet in Dewitt. We've dealt with them before and knew we would go with them again.

Anyhow, so we've been busy with that. Oh and I'm still pregnant, LOL. 13 weeks and I'm allready obviously pregnant. Today I am VERY tired! David has some teeth coming in and has been a bear the last few days. He woke up at 7am this morning and wouldn't go back to bed, so I've been up. I tried for a nap, but by the time David finally went to sleep (only after a car ride to pay the water bill), it was not a good time to lay down. So hopefully he will go down easy tonight, which I'm not expecting since he's still not settling down and it's after 11. My feet are swollen today and so are my hands. I didn't think I was up that much, but when your chasing kids the time flies by. Oh yea I watched a few neighbor kids today. A boy Davids age and a girl a little older than Amberlin.

So what's left this week? Well alot more. Pray for our family, well my husbands family, one of his cousins died in a house fire Sunday morning. As of yet, we don't know the cause, it is under investigation and suspicious.
So that's all kinds of more fun for the week. I'm going to try for bed now.
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