Ok, so it's not all done, but it's progress. Remember I have 4 kids ALL DAY ( I babysit a 2 yr old as well as my own 2 yr old.) And I am 5 months pregnant after all. But we're getting there.
Our new dining area (where the desk used to be)

I now have a great plant shelf and hutch.

Yes there are still boxes, but not as many. Ok, so these were there before we got started moving. Still working on that pile.

And the closet in the office, school shelf and sewing cabinet

Another bookshelf hiding behind the door
I like your hutch! I hope to get one one day myself.
Thanks, my Aunt got it somewhere and was going to sell it, so I snagged it. I'm glad to finally have got it into my house LOL. It's the same country theme style we're trying to get our house to.
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