Well Abigail is one month old today. I weighed her and she is 11 lbs exactly today. Here are a few pictures. She's doing great, the kids are adjusting to her and life is back to normal (what's normal). I tried to get this posted yesterday, but didn't make it. But here it is today. I will try to post a few more pictures I took of her, I have to try to crop and edit them first.

I kept trying to get a picture of David kissing her, but he was just to fast. So this is the best one of them all LOL.

Congratulations!!! She is just precious!!
a month? a month? I must see her before she gets any bigger! :)
**** Do they have another instrument picked out or will it end with the recorder? *****
Well, dd12 and I both play flute and hope to do piano within a year. ds11 has no musical instrument interest. dd9 is thinking drums...I am thinking ummm no please. ds6 talks about trumpet or tuba. eek
She is getting so big and growing so fast. She is adorable!
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