Here is some of what we've been up to. We took a "mini vacation" as the kids called it to Chicago, IL. Having never been to a "BIG" city before it was quite the experience for us. The sky scrapers were so tall, and there were so many people. I know it gets busier there than when were there. The SIDEWALKS have speed limit signs on them. I'm not kidding, they said, "when congestion is heavy, walking pace only" or something along those lines. The crosswalks were fuller than the road, there were more taxi cabs than cars, and more taxi companies than types of cars lol. It was alot of fun. I'll fill in more later, but here are some pictures. If you ever get to go, take a camera, we didn't stop in the downtown area, just drove thru.

The Sears Tower

The Donald Trump tower.
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