Thursday, June 19, 2008

Des Moines, IA

We were in Des Moines when that lovely storm hit last week. We were staying on the south side of town, so we were fine. In down town is where it was the worse. Here are a few pictures of the downtown area after the fact. When they were letting people back in. You can see the sandbags everywhere and lots of places were still closed. I have more photos on my video camera and my phone to put on here.

I drove past here almost everyday we were there, and thought there was at least a river thru there, but on our last day thru, I realized it was all farmland.

Here are some pictures of the capital building, such a pretty building. No water damage as far as I know though.

From the building across the road, made such a pretty reflection.

I'll post more when I get them on my PC.

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